Thursday, July 10, 2008

Coronation Ball---Traditional Crowning & Oath

After a long wait, it was finally time to line up and get serious. The girls came in one by one and after they were smudged, the outgoing queen crowned the new queen with the traditional crown. The traditional crown is passed down from queen to queen. Kenda crowned Drew and then Drew took her oath. The other girls followed until all of the new queens were crowned and had taken their oath.

Drew's oath:

I, Emily Drew Chavis, do affirm that I will uphold my duties as Little Miss Lumbee. As an Ambassador, I will encourage, promote and enhance the values and culture of the Lumbee People in all I do and say.

Kenda, as you were crowning Drew, I was thinking that Drew has big shoes to fill. I knew from the moment you were crowned that you would be a terrific Little Miss Lumbee. You have served your community, your tribe, your family and your Jesus well! Congratulations to both you and your family on a job well done!

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